Saturday, April 16, 2016

RM2.6b menjadi derma: Mahathir minta bukti berdokumen

# Yang peliknya mula-mula adalah pelaboran........tup-tup dah jadi derma pulak dah!

Mahathir: Show the proof behind Saudi statement
 | April 16, 2016

Former premier says in media interview he heard rumours about Najib and corruption before, but had no proof
mahathir Adel Al-Jubeir's
PETALING JAYA: Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad has demanded documentary evidence and refused to accept the Saudi foreign minister’s assurances about a RM2.6 billion donation made to the prime minister, Najib Razak, in 2013.
In a media interview published today, Dr Mahathir was asked about Saudi foreign minister Adel Al-Jubeir’s remarks that the donations came from Saudi Arabia and that as far as the Saudis were concerned, the matter had been settled.
Dr Mahathir was quoted as saying: “That’s what he says. Investigations, you need documentary proof. If money is transferred, there must be something written down – the cheques, the records in the bank, the bank that is used.
“A statement alone is not enough. So until I can view the documents, until they are publicised, any statement alone is not going to be believed.”
Although Dr Mahathir has made remarks implying corruption on Najib’s part, he acknowledged that he had no proof. “I get reports about corruption all the time. When I ask them, nobody can give me any evidence. All they can say is well ‘we heard’, ‘these are rumours’ and all that,” he was quoted as saying.
“Rumours cannot be sustained in court. I heard about it but I did not have any proof at all.”
Dr Mahathir has waged a year-long campaign to oust Najib as Umno president and prime minister, relying on allegations of embezzlement of public funds from the government’s investment arm, 1Malaysia Development Bhd.

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