Friday, April 8, 2016

Immediate Release: Media Statement by Nurul Izzah Anwar

For Immediate Release

Media Statement by Nurul Izzah Anwar
Vice President and Election Director, KEADILAN
Member of Parliament, Lembah Pantai

PAC Report on 1MDB Necessitates Action against Board of Directors & Protection of Whistleblowers

After several executive led hiccups and considerable delay, the Malaysian Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) declared today that 1Malaysia Development Bhd’s (1MDB) board of directors failed to ensure the fund’s management complied with good accounting practices. [1]

The panel said the apparent negligence on the part of the board is to be blamed for the management’s decisions that led to the fund amassing a debt pile of RM42 billion in just five years.

Critiques and whistleblowers, including currently detained Former Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and KEADILAN Secretary General,Rafizi Ramli are vindicated through the 160 pages of Public Accounts Committee’s (PAC) final report on what UMNO leaders termed once as the golden geese fund - 1MDB.

Malaysians, who through its government, will inherit as much as RM 20.3 billion debt risk exposure thanks to 1MDB must demand accountability. Among the top of the list of accountability are the board of directors - including former 1MDB CEO Datuk Shahrol Azral Ibrahim Halmi.

They must sternly be reminded that resigning doesn't relieve accountability of decisions they have made to the detriment of Malaysia's coffers.

Secondly, such validations on the concerns raised by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, as far back in 2011, and the consistent affront against 1MDB's financial propriety by KEADILAN's Secretary General.  This should compel our current Attorney General to protect whistleblowers. [2]

It is precisely due to the insistence and courage of whistleblowers that the 1MDB rot is now public. Our whistleblowers should rightly be freed for exposing 1MDB's shenanigans.

In a climate left wanton for abuse, safeguards must be put in place to ensure those responsible face the full extent of the law; and whistleblowers protected. In this regard, the AG must immediately drop any intent to wrought further punishment against whistleblowers.[3]

We await with much anticipation, the fulfilment of the Inspector General of police's pledge that the auditor-general’s report on 1MDB be scrutinised by PDRM. But  the wait will be on eventual charges to be brought by the AG following police recommendations, against those responsible for this financial mess; beginning with members of the board. We must not tolerate more sloganeering and excuses. [4]

Malaysians have been kept in the dark with series of lies and political charades. It is high time we get the country and our credibility back in order.

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