Sunday, January 22, 2017

Bergambar: Perarakan besar kaum wanita di seluruh dunia bantah Trump

Women marches across the world draw huge crowds

Hundreds of thousands join women's marches to protest new US president's stance on gender, minorities and human rights.
AlJazeera - 22 Jan 2017 07:31 GMT | 

Hundreds of thousands of people across the world protested the day after Donald Trump was inaugurated as America's 45th president

What started as the Women's March on Washington spread to streets and city squares from Sydney to South Carolina on Saturday, with protesters marching in solidarity as a show of empowerment.

As many as a million people took part in the main march in Washington, DC.

Women gave a host of reasons for marching, ranging from inspiring other women to run for office to protesting against Trump's plans to repeal the 2010 Affordable Care Act, which among other things requires health insurers to cover birth control.

Many hoped to send a unity message to Trump after a campaign in which he said Mexican immigrants were "rapists", discussed banning Muslims from entering the United States, and was revealed to have once bragged about grabbing women by the genitals and kissing them without permission.
 Oslo,  norway
 Bekas Setiausaha Negara John Karry menyertai kaum wanita di Washington DC
 Ahmedabad, India
 Berlin, Jerman
 Stolkholm, Sweden
 Madona di Washington DC
 Nairobi, Kenya
 Depan US Embassy, Tel Aviv
Washington DC 

1 comment:

  1. Di antara manusia ada orang yang membantah tentang Allah tanpa ilmu pengetahuan dan mengikuti setiap setan yang sangat jahat,
    yang telah ditetapkan terhadap setan itu, bahwa barang siapa yang berkawan dengan dia, tentu dia akan menyesatkannya, dan membawanya ke azab neraka.

    manusia yang tidak ikut perintah Allah n Rosul pemimpin mereka adalah syaiton
